My Music Video

Saturday 20 November 2010

Re - Shoot

From our feedback I decided that it was important for me to add some extra footage to my music video because I felt as though it became very boring and its better to have more than not enough. This meant I need to do some more planning about what scenes would be good to film based on my facebook.

  • Needing to show we live together
This was a piece of feedback which was not clear in our video. So I was trying to find simple ways in which we are able to show we live together without making a whole new story. Previously I believed that the dog would ruin the scenes, however, I think that the dog shows that we're a family and more together. So this created a new scene of us walking the dog together and showing us coming into the house together. This hopefully makes it cleaner that we were very serious but also o the day of the shoot there was one car in the drive which I believe shows that we share.
  • Could include an argument
This I found particularly hard to do but I felt like to was a good scene to do if we were able to pull it off. While looking through other videos its very serious and it has a very strong impact on the video and it shows emotion and it adds to the story making it clearer. It will hopefully fit into the video and contribute the narrative.
  • More moments where we are a couple
This I felt was key and very important for us to include so we have shot scenes like in the kitchen and the living room where we are together so we can show the emotion between because this is a key feature to include in the video.

These are key features which we filmed and I will edit into my video to improve it and make it more professional. While it was easy to shoot and this day was very productive and quick as we were on a time limit. It was crucial that we got this filming done as soon as possible so I am able to have enough time to edit it into my video.